Monday, November 16, 2009

Other stories on my mind

There are days that November just pisses me off.

I have other story ideas in my head right now, but I can't really justify stopping my NaNo story to start on these. *sigh* I want to write about princesses. I want to finish "Happily Ever After." But I also want to finish "Thurman G. Woodfin and the Case of the Missing Toothbrush."

So I'll keep slogging with Thurman. My goal this year is not to reach 50,000. Well, that's not entirely accurate. My goal is not JUST to reach 50,000 words, but also to FINISH the story. That's my downfall. I don't finish things. So I'm going to finish Thurman. And when he's done, I'll finish Happily Ever After.

And then I'll live Happily Ever After. At least until I start editing. *sigh*

1 comment:

Ray Veen said...

Good luck with the Nano thing. If you ever do get tired of your WIP, just write in an unexpected bomb. It ends the story quickly.

(All the best-sellers do it, I promise)