Friday, January 20, 2012

Feeling groovy

Actually, I'm not feeling groovy at all. I'm feeling icky. I had some medical testing on Wednesday, and I'm still feeling the effects. Blah.

I'm hoping that in a few days, I'll feel better. Until then, please don't expect too much from me. I'm working on it.


Joe Robinsmith said...

Hope that you're feeling better now. Sending Hugs and Prayers.

Unknown said...

Hope your feeling better, it's a commitment, like checking Facebook! It's called discipline! Here check mine out, you'll see the gap in months! Very funny aswell, I like that! x

Steeny Lou said...

I'm encouraged to see a short blog entry like this. I've been toying with the idea of doing some of those myself.

Steeny Lou said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Steeny Lou said...

(Oh, by the way... two comments from me, a total stranger, and I should say how I found your blog: I was clicking "next blog" a few times after being on my own blog, and yours was the first of dozens that finally made me stop and read. Nicely set up.)

(Original comment above removed by me, "the author", because I realized I failed to put in the closing bracket at the end of the previous paragraph.)
