Saturday, June 14, 2008

Five Minute Fiction

From Creative Writing Prompts: #231 List the 7 worst things to say to a person who just got dumped.

7) "Here's a kitten - you'll need the company. Here, take three more."

6) "Seven year itch, seven week itch... it's all the same."

5) "You wouldn't have wanted to raise another man's baby anyways."

4) "You know, he might take you back if you got your sister into bed with the two of you."

3) "So do you mind if I have a go now?"

2) "Bet you wish you'd got those implants after all!"

1) "Whoa! I can't believe it took him so long!"


Heather Dudley said...

5) "You wouldn't have wanted to raise another man's baby anyways."

I think I like this one best. ;)

colbymarshall said...

Mine: "So this is probably not the best time to tell you that he and I have been seeing each other, is it?" heehee...wicked.