Sunday, March 8, 2009


Okay, so 265 isn't really a big, important number, but I didn't say anything when I hit 250... Of course, that's not 265 this year, since it's only mid-March.  It's 265 since I started my blog, which was... April 13 last year.  I actually blogged every day for four and a half months, then my internet got all wonky and started dropping out randomly, so the last few months of the year were not daily posts.  But so far, I've posted every day this year!  I think that's pretty cool.

In that same vein, I think it's time to revisit my new year's resolutions:

- Blog every day.  Check!

- Finish at least two craft projects before I start on a new one.  Check! I've only finished three so far, but I've also only started one new one, so I'm doing okay.

- Lose 20 lb.  Boo... No change yet.

- Get in better shape.  Almost check?  I've started walking 30 minutes every day after work with Mia, so we'll see.  I had been using the Wii, but the show got in the way in February, so I got out of the habit.

- Read more.  Check!  I've only read four full books so far this year, but I've got a trilogy that I'm working through on my Palm, and I've got a couple of anthologies that I'm reading from nightly.  I may not be doing a lot yet, but it's consistant.

Okay, so overall, not bad!  Go me!

1 comment:

MJ said...

That's pretty good! Keep it up!

As for me, I don't make resolutions generally. I'm not very good with disappointment...