I know that, once you start using your blog to rant about personal things, people start losing interest. I really don't want my blog to degenerate into an angst-filled emotional blowout.
Occasionally, one must publicize one's feelings about a negative experience in order to feel a form of catharsis. Therefore, I would just like to put it out there that I have been screwed. I have been totally shafted. I found out today just how much I was shafted, and I'm really unhappy about it. I've been questioning the decision that was made since the day I found out, wondering what I did wrong to be excluded, and now I really have no idea why the powers that be chose not to choose me. I hate this feeling, like maybe I'm not as good as I thought I was, like I must have really screwed up.
And yet, here I am, sacrificing my time and energy for the people who screwed me over. Am I a glutton for punishment? Maybe I'm a little bit masochistic...
In any case, I hope this self-indulgent rant has been bland enough that it has not scared you away from my blog permanently. Tomorrow, we will return to our regularly scheduled entertainment. Thanks for reading!
Hey - every once in awhile we have Debbie Downer days. It's okay to be like that. I miss you lots. Can you please call me sometime soon??
a.) I think this rant is totally called for b.) I totally get where you're coming from and c.) it didn'd ruin your blog forever. See you tomorrow, and try not to over analyze, even though I am SOOOO not one to be talking. But feel free to overanalyze to me anytime, because we can do so together!
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