Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Ukranian Christmas!  Today, my family celebrated with perogies and kielbasa and holobchi.  I, unfortunately, missed out.  But I do plan to make perogies very soon, and I will celebrate belatedly.  The best part of my Ukranian heritage is the food!  And that's probably a good thing, because the Norwegian heritage only offers lutefisk, and that's really not at all appealing...

I was going to write fiction today...

Instead, I had my creativity drained with a vaccination at lunch.  I'm hoping it comes back tomorrow, since there is NO WAY I'll be going for another vaccination.  Have I mentioned that I HATE needles?  The last time I had blood drawn, it took them a good 20 minutes to find a vein, and they ended up using the back of my hand... By the time they actually got any blood, I was close to passing out from all of the prodding, so I had to lay down.  (And I really do mean 'they' - there were three different nurses trying!)  The vaccination was not quite as bad - it's a lot easier to find my shoulder than to find a vein, thankfully.  And the guy was really good, too, which helped.  But my arm hurts and I feel sucky and un-creative today, so fiction will wait until I'm feeling better. 


colbymarshall said...

Um, yuck. No shots, please. Thank you.

Ray Veen said...

Sounds like a good day to read. You can tell yourself that you're still being productive because you're studying other fiction.

I'm the king of excuses. Go ahead, ask me another.