Friday, January 9, 2009

Not in the mood...

I'm just not in a writing kind of mood tonight.  I've got stories in my head that want to be told, but I'm not in the mood to write them down.  I think I'll let them percolate overnight... and then, once I've done my laundry and my dishes tomorrow (and searched for my missing iPod), I have all day to write them.

Sorry if you were expecting better... I'm only human.  Sometimes, I suck.


Ray Veen said...

You need a little voice recorder. Or maybe you have that feature on your phone or ipod. Anyway, it lets you conveniently get the basics of the story down so that you can ignore it with a clear conscience. I do it all the time.

colbymarshall said...

My damn voice recorder I've been without. But V is right- they are good to have around.

Danielle said...

I had one for my iPod, and it rocked! But, alas, I lost my iPod somewhere between ATL and work... it is very sad. I'm still hoping I'll find it somewhere at home.